Here are four key things you need to know about the current rental market according to Zoopla:
January 4, 2024
Rent rises outstripping inflation for past nine months.
January 19, 2024The increasing administrative burden is prompting landlords to reconsider managing their properties themselves and instead opt for a letting agency or property manager.
Research conducted by Zoopla’s sister company, USwitch, revealed that the majority of landlords (63%) are contemplating this switch.
The primary reason behind this shift is the hassle factor. Landlords find dealing with repairs (32%) and legal requirements (30%) to be the biggest challenges they face in their day-to-day property management.
USwitch’s research also indicated that landlords are now more receptive to utilizing agents’ expertise and skills to handle their properties.
Thirty percent of landlords expressed that not having to find tenants themselves was a significant factor in their decision to work with agents. Additionally, 29% recognized the agent’s superior knowledge of the market as an enticing reason to collaborate with them. Furthermore, 27% of landlords mentioned avoiding scams and fraud as another pull factor that draws them back to agents.